Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 26 MMS

Today is my 2nd day on 9 drops MMS / 45 drops citric acid. Yesterday was ok, with minimal side affects, although tiredness and mild nausea has prevailed. I noticed a headache last night, 10 mins after taking my dose, so obviously 9 drops is doing a lot. My OB of a few days ago is almost gone, however it was truly dead within 4 hours of coming out. Amazing.

I've been reading other hubs and forums on people trying MMS for Herpes, and it's just amazing how many negative people there are out there, saying it won't and can't cure Herpes because H is a snippet of DNA that co-exists with our healthy cells, and hides in the nerve tissues. Well, at the hub where I frequent, the creator discovered that Scientists only found out October 2008 that Herpes doesn't actually "hide" in nerve cells, but rather, our immune system keeps it in check. When our immune system isn't functioning to full capacity, this then allows the H virus to start replicating, thus causing an outbreak.

I will stay on 9 drops for the next couple of days, or at least until this heavy headedness subsides, as that way, my body will have adjusted to the dosage, and it will be ready for the next increase to 10 drops.


  1. Stop reading those negative posts, lol!

  2. You need to stop listening to everything PNJ says, You said things about me and you don't even know anything about me.. I tell you what since your only talent is to be a follower, why don't you go and jump off a bridge and while your at it take your dictator with you..thanks, denni
