Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 24 MMS

Ok, so since my last post I have experienced another mild OB. Can I say, this OB was self inflicted as I've been under a lot of stress and haven't had much sleep. The good news is, the padrome was very mild and only lasted 4 hours, and then the OB followed immediately. It was only fairly small, like pimples really (no blisters). This OB was noticably different in that it came out in a different spot to prior OB's and although it was extremely itchy and uncomfortable, it lasted 4 hours only! After this time frame, the itching stopped and it pretty much felt like it was dead. This is an all time first! I decided to stay on 8 drops when I noticed the padromal symptoms late at night as I knew my body would struggle to remove the virus. I'm so glad I did, because I did experience mild cramping, nausea and diarrahea (is that how it's spelt?), as well as fatigue and fog brain. This was MMS and my body fighting that sucker off! Needless to say, the OB is pretty much gone today, so it's definately working. I just hope that MMS can rid the body of "sleeping" H, in addition to "active" H. We'll all soon see I guess. Everyone is different and everyones' bodies reacts differently to treatment, so I would say much depends on the individual.

Because I was able to do 8 drops again yesterday without any cramping from my recent OB, I have upped to 9 drops this morning. I have to say, now that I'm getting up to the higher doses, I do get nervous with each inrease in dosage now, not sure why. Maybe I'm waiting for uncomfortable side affects... not sure. But it is important to remember that this is very much a spiritual journey, so meditation and positive thought is important throughout this process.

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